Social Investing in India & Rang De
@RangDe twitter I have almost stopped watching television, simply because I inevitably land up with the news channels and the non-stop coverage on CORONA is too harsh for my nerves. And I am not a vigorous consumer of OTT content. Today, while lackadaisically skipping through channels, I stumbled upon on NDTV exclusive show on their collaboration with "Rang De" for helping farmers in crisis. The content or rather, the initiative seemed interesting and I decided to pay attention. Well, its been 7 hours now since i watched the program, and I am still searching for something similar that has been done in India. I cannot say that my search has been uber exhaustive, but at the same time, I cannot help but put my thoughts to words on what Rang De strives to achieve and the whole "contributing to help" scenario in India. "Rang De" The concept of microfinance dawned upon me in a more lucid way during my classes at ISB. While the learning was somewhat ...